wtorek, 29 marca 2016

Day 1- Loch Ness Monster

Hello everyone!
 Today we’re going to tell you a story… A story about the Loch Ness monster. Does it sound familiar? This so-called creature was holding a name  „Nessie” and he was living in Loch Ness lake water which is obviously in Scotland. It became the one of  symbols of „men’s in checked skirts country”. It doesn’t really matter if we believe in existence of this animal or not, but it’s hard to resist the impression that in this case there is something which is confering  some kind of  secretiveness. Just look at the Loch Ness lake.  It’s intrinsically strange that its temperature is on the (more or less) same level all year long and water is void of widespread in other reservoirs  putrefaction bacteria, but abound in other types of invertebrates, which  not infrequently live only there.  Besides, while beeing there it’s so hard to resist the impression that, the mystery is hiding under the water. 
All that case started about 7th century. Since then many residents of little villages, which are placed near the lake, have seen something mysterious. How they’ve claimed- it was a dorsum or monster’s humps. The biggest interest  of Loch Ness Monster was in 1933, when there was built a road along the west coast.

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